Book Review – Jeremy Till’s ‘Architecture Depends’ – pub. 2013
“Is the view from the street more reliable than the view from the tower? Till’s project in Architecture Depends is to pull apart the certainty with which most architects approach their work. A coach who can see the bigger game, fiercely loyal but pushing for improvement, Till coaxes and prods toward relevance. He looks to anthropology, spatial geography, community planning, and literature to tease out the ‘situatedness’ of buildings, an issue that only he and a few others have defined with such attention.” (Marie S.A. Sorensen, excerpt from ArchitectureBoston magazine)
Marie S.A. Sorensen reviewed Jeremy Till’s 2009 ‘Architecture Depends’ published by MIT Press, for Architecture Boston | NEXT Fall 2013. Read the full text of the Architecture Boston Magazine – Architecture Depends – Book Review by Marie S.A. Sorensen – Fall 2013.
[cover image, and below, is the book cover of Jeremy Till’s book]