Cornell Law School – Classrooms & Library Renovation & Addition – Ithaca, NY

Marie S.A. Sorensen contributed to the schematic design for a 53,000 SF comprehensive renovation of Cornell Law School’s Myron Taylor Hall, built in 1932, the central building in the School’s collegiate gothic campus, and a 7,000 SF infill addition to the Library. Myron Taylor Hall’s renovation features seminar-style student classrooms, case study classrooms, meeting rooms, and a double-height student commons overlooking Purcell Courtyard.
New spaces are detailed in a modern classical style, including warm maple paneling, chandeliers, and brass railings – with clean boardroom-style interiors for the classrooms and meeting rooms.
Sorensen also participated in the design of a 16,500 SF Classroom Addition adjacent to Myron Taylor Hall. The addition accommodates two case study classrooms and one large auditorium underneath a green roof structure that contributes a new façade to the edge of Purcell Courtyard.
Circulation to the adjacent spaces of Myron Taylor Hall, including elevator access, communicating stair, and a new street-side entry for the Law School on College Avenue, are carefully detailed to add sensitively to the existing historic fabric.
Work completed prior to Sorensen Partners | Architects + Planners as Architectural Staff at Ann Beha Architects.